Monday, July 26, 2021

The Hexecutioners



The Hexecutioners


Director- Jesse Thomas Cook

Cast- Liv Collins, Sarah Power, Timothy Burd, Tony Burgess

            So right off the bat lets acknowledge that Hexecutioners is not a very good name. Sounds like the title of a GWAR song. Now that that’s out of the way we can talk about the movie which is actually pretty original.


            The film operates under the premise that euthanasia is now legal across the land. Malison (Liv Collins) is a lowly technician who gets dispatched to carry out the life ending procedures.  She had aspirations that it would be a dignified way to end people’s suffering but she soon runs into the degrading realities of profitable death. Her bosses are less concerned with dignity than the bottom line.

            To cure her of her naiveté, she is paired with Oliva (Sarah Power), a cynical technician who isn’t above skipping the niceties and ending her client’s lives with a bullet to the head.



            They are sent out to the country to take care of a special client; a millionaire who has paid a hefty sum to have his death carried out in a very specific manner. The client, horribly disfigured, seems to be almost catatonic. Their only other human contact is Edgar (Timothy Burd), the lone care taker and servant. The women find that they have been lured into a house haunted by cursed spirits and they are now unwilling participants in an elaborate occult ritual.

            Hexecutioners is a character driven story that focuses on the personalities of the two women and their relationship. It has a small cast which allows for plenty of character development. It’s a competent horror film that seems informed in regards to its occult elements. There’s no attempt at a happy ending so don’t expect one.