Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Dark Angel: the Ascent

Dark Angel: the Ascent
Director- Linda Hassani
Cast- Angela Featherstone, Daniel Markel, Nicholas Worth, Charlotte Stewart, Milton James, Mike Genovese
 Veronica is young demoness in Hell who longs to see the world above. After a fight with her demon father (character actor, Nicholas Worth) who cuts off liars tongues all day long (and how was your day at work?), she runs away, taking a secret tunnel that just happens to come up through the sewer system (go figure).

    Veronica ditches her horns and wings and takes on a human form. The only telltale sign of her demonic heritage are her really big feet (Satan has a foot fetish I guess, well who can blame him). After a brief romp through the city naked, she finds some clothes and starts a relationship with a cute doctor (I guess even women from Hell want to marry a doctor, I guess I never had a chance). 

     Although the movie came out several years before the video game franchise, Angela Featherstone as Veronica looks a whole lot like Bloodrayne. Who knows, maybe she was the inspiration?
     Veronica sets about becoming a sort of Infernal Punisher, going through the city and killing criminals to make sure they make it to Hell and get the eternal punishment they deserve. Her mission as nemesis to the immoral goes too far and attracts the attention of the police. She takes a special interest in the mayor who seems to be causing trouble in the city, cutting welfare benefits, stirring up racial tensions and being a general douche bag.

   It’s impossible to take the movie seriously, not because it isn’t good but because it’s more like a live action independent comic. Think Lady Death with less cleavage. It’s a Full Moon production and that alone should give you a good idea of what to expect. There are some decent special effects, some T&A, and its cheesy but fun. Its low budget, but its original and that alone goes a long way in my book. 

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