Sunday, July 28, 2019

Jennifer's Body

Jennifer’s Body
Director- Karyn Kusama
Cast- Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny Simmons, J. K. Simmons, Chris Pratt

Jennifer and Needy (Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried) are best friends in the rural, small town of Devil’s Kettle. Needy is the slightly nerdy girl who stays below the radar. Jennifer is the hottest girl in town but dreams of a glamorous life far away.
            They go to the town’s one bar to see a band. Jennifer is hoping to hook up with group’s lead singer. As it turns out, the band members are all Satanists and they kidnap Jennifer for use as a ritual sacrifice. Only one problem: they believe Jennifer is a virgin and she’s anything but. Screwing up on this vital ingredient means they’re ritual goes awry.
            Jennifer becomes a succubus who starts seducing her way through the town’s boy population, and eating them. Needy figures out what’s happening but predictably everyone else is unaware, so it’s up to her to confront her one time bestie turned cannibal temptress.
            Jennifer’s Body is not a straight forward fright film. It’s part horror part satire. It makes fun of the shallowness of youth and the general lack of awareness of adults. While not as cutting or clever as, say, Heathers, it does successfully combine humor with horror.
Megan Fox is one of those people like Ryan Reynolds . They’re so attractive it’s hard to take them seriously. Or another way of putting it, it’s hard to get around how attractive they are. Jennifer’s Body, though, is the perfect vehicle for her. Rather than trying to make her hotness an added attraction like in Transformers, it is the centerpiece. Who could be a more convincing succubus than a girl that was internationally labeled as a sex symbol?
That’s not to say that Fox gets by on her looks. She convincingly sells the act, alternating between sexy, evil, and funny. It’s too bad Megan hasn’t done more horror movies. I know they don’t pay the kind of money of Transformers, but she would make a hell of a scream queen.

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