Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Devil Incarnate (The Traveler, El Caminante)

The Devil Incarnate (The Traveler, El Caminante)
Director- Paul Naschy
Cast- Paul Naschy, Sara Lezana, David Rocha, Ana Harpo, Blanca Estrada, Silvia Aguilar, Eva León, Adriana Vega
This film is unlike anything else Naschy did. Not a horror film, it’s more of a medieval morality play, like a cautionary tale from Chaucer. Naschy plays the Devil, come to walk the Earth in mortal flesh. He befriends a young lad, Tomas, and takes him under his wing as he travels the countryside, teaching him his cynical view of the world. Along the way he takes advantage of every soul he meets.
            There is no over arcing plot here, just a series of scenes as the Devil screws people over, most of them literally. He cheats, murders, robs and fornicates. He drives a virtuous woman to suicide, lures wives into infidelity, seduces a Nun, and even sets up his friend to be raped. Of course, the Devil’s plans would amount to nothing in a virtuous world. In the end, he is only taking advantage of the greed and lusts of others.

The film has good costumes and clever dialogue. It’s rather saucy with a plethora of beautiful women, most of who end up naked in the Devil’s arms. Fans of Spanish horror will see many familiar faces; Blanca Estrada (Ghost Galleon), Eva León (who starred with Naschy in other films including Inquisition), and Silvia Aguilar (who also starred with Naschy in Night of the Werewolf and Carnival of Beasts). The film is best known by its original title, El Caminante (The Traveler) but has recently gotten the Blu-ray treatment under the title The Devil Incarnate. Either way, pick it up for a very different Naschy than you are used to.

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